'@program The Test Program '@description a test program for the document generator '@note {note line 1} '@note {note line 2} #include "test_included1.txt" #include "test_included2.txt" '@type test_type '@description this is a test type '@param i [integer] is an i?? :-P '@param s [string] is a string??????? XD type test_type as integer i as string s end type '@type test_type2 '@description this is a test type!!!!!! '@note (nothing to note :D) '@param i [integer] is an i?? :-P 2 '@param s [string] is an s??????? XD 2 type test_type2 as integer i as string s end type '@sub test_sub '@description a test sub '@param g [integer] unused varaible just made for testing sub test_sub (g as integer) end sub '@function test_function '@description returns a string and takes some unused params '@param a [integer] is aaaaaa.... '@param d [double] has no explanation '@follows test_sub '@note does not really do anything '@note but it pretends to '@returns [string] the characters 5 and 6 function testfunction (a as integer, d as double) as string '@note calls test_sub (test_sub must be declared, so this functons follows test_sub) test_sub '@note part 1 does something print 55 '@note part 2 does something also return "56" end function system